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Ethereal Beast Gaming

Ethereal Beast Gaming

Here at Ethereal Beast Gaming, we are striving in becoming the best community for all members ages 16 and up. As a newer community still being built from the ground up, we have plenty of new opportunities to grow, and your voice will be heard! Our number one goal in Ethereal Beast Gaming is to have a fun and chill place to make friends, build memories, and, of course, to game.

As a future friend, and teammate of Ethereal Beast Gaming, we will provide you with the access of our discord server, a graphics team that is always looking for more candidates, the opportunity to be in a competition team, and a bunch of new, or maybe familiar faces; and with our community being brand new, tons of ways to join us in the classic military-styled ranking structure.

Whether you’ve been gaming for decades, or you just started playing Minecraft on your phone, we accept all forms of gaming. Whether you’re a main Bloodhound on Apex Legends, or you just want to chill on some Discord games, like Gartic Phone, we have the reaction roles for those, as well as the opportunity to add your favorite games! Whatever your passion is, us in Ethereal Beast Gaming will support it.

We believe in the saying “Quality over quantity”, and we also believe in ourselves that we are able to make our home, your home. Regardless if you play games, or you’re just looking for new homies to talk about your week, we think that you’ll feel welcome in Ethereal Beast Gaming.

We believe that the key to a happy and healthy community is based on a few things: Activity, friendliness, and passion, which is why most communities do not last. That’s why, us in Ethereal Beast Gaming have an activity policy. If a member or staff member has not sent a message in 30 days, we make sure they’re okay, and if we get an answer, we put them on a Leave or Absence. If there’s no answer 10 days afterwards, then we remove them. Like we say, we prefer “quality over quantity”.

We are looking for quality candidates to join our growing family ages 16 and up. If any of these things listed above tickles your fancy, come give us a visit! We are mainly based in US and Canada, and an English speaking server.

Remember. We are in search of those that play well with others, are super chill, not constantly bossing others around, nor are racist, sexist, or easily angered. We are here to provide a quality experience for our members; our family to call home.

Here are some reviews from our current members!

”My review on Ethereal Beast Gaming(EBG)

So far I have been part of EBG for about a month and a half, and from my previous clan experiences, this has got to be one of the friendliest gaming communities of all time. I don’t say that just to exaggerate, I actually mean it. Here are the following reasons I love this community:


The Non-Stop Activity

Do not underestimate a community just because it is only 60 members. There is always somebody to say a “good morning” or “good night” everyday. When I’m about to hop on to play COD or play some Rocket League, there’s always somebody online to play one or the other. Sometimes when I just want to chill in VC, there’s always at least 2 or 3 people that’s down to chill in a VC at any time of the day. It’s just so amazing that whenever I feel like playing games or talking to people, there is always somebody on that I chat with. Loads of gamenights every week!


The Infinite Number of Games

I play a lot of games because I’ve collected several over the years of gaming so I can pretty much play anything. There’s people in the community that have the PS Plus Extra games and Xbox Game Pass. I would say so far, I’ve seen about 50% of members are Xbox, 40% are PC, and the last 10% is PlayStation. Out of all the games we that exist today, those percentages don’t even matter so much. However, there also a lot of games today that still don’t even have cross-play such as GTA, TitanFall 2, Mortal Kombat, etc. The many games that we play are Fall Guys, Sea of Thieves, Valorant, COD, GTA Online, Rocket League, Destiny 2, Apex Legends, Minecraft, and more.


Friendly Community

There has never been a moment that I have felt unsafe or uncomfortable around any member. We can pretty much say whatever we want whenever we want. There’s even been times that I felt frustrated or absolutely excited and wanted to share with some friends. No matter who it was in EBG, they’d always listen to what I have to say no matter what it is.” -Julio

“Ebg has been genuinely the best clan I’ve joined, the community is amazing and I love the whole vibe, when I joined at first I expected it be very toxic, but ebg is the complete opposite, I love the server and the people, the conversations I’ve had and the memories make me feel happy” -Nyx

Our only requirement is for you to be yourself, be 16 and older, have a discord account longer than 120 days, be respectful, and to join our recruitment server so us in staff could get to know our future member!



Use the link below to join the fun 😎