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Merciless Pro Network

Merciless Pro Network

MPN Global Gaming is an online community that participates across all gaming platforms. We are a fun, laid-back gaming community that welcomes both casual & avid gamers. We offer an opportunity for any gamer to join us and welcome gamers to join us from around the globe!



“Never Looking Back”



  • Fun Member Created Game Content
  • Community Wide Meetings
  • Awesome Member Moderated Website
  • Active Discord Server Available to all Members
  • User Customizable Website Profiles
  • Unique Medals to Showcase on Your Profile
  • Players Who Share the Same Interests
  • Various Community Requested Game Leagues
  • Military Styled Rank Progression System
  • Prize Giveaways
  • Community Exclusive Tournaments
  • Game Nights
  • Casual and/or Competitive Gameplay



Merciless Pros Network “MPN” was formed on March 1st, 2010 by MPN EVOLUTION. MPN was originally created to be a gaming community primarily on the Xbox 360 console for the Halo and Call of Duty series. MPN started out with friendships that were formed around the world and eventually become a well-known large community for the years to come. After transitioning later to the Xbox One console throughout the game’s series it would be decided to try out the PlayStation community to find interest in membership.

In May of 2018, MPN_EVOLUTION would create the first MPN gaming profile on the PlayStation Network and we launched a new division for members to begin joining our community on a whole new platform. This also launched the beginning of our Apex Legends series. Shortly after, MPN would find it’s name around the PC gaming community on games like Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, and Escape From Tarkov.

Now with the advancements of technology such as cross-platform compatibility and the demand for video content we have taken our organization a step further with the introduction of our content creation, production, event management, and newly formed esports teams. We host several community-wide events each month for members registered in our community and livestream gameplay for our members and it’s fans. We have content teams that are focused on getting videos created and edited, graphics designed, and new social media content out regularly for our followers to enjoy.

In 2020, MPN has officially signed it’s first esports team on Call of Duty. We are working harder than ever to put MPN in every gaming scene possible to give the most for our members. Since then we have signed rosters for Rocket League, Rogue Company, and Halo: Infinite with championships in the Rocket Bowl Tournament and BLCS Rocket League series.

In April of 2022, MPN launched a new line of branding with MPN Global Gaming. This new brand lays out the vision behind our organization. We aim to be one of the best organizations to bring community, content, and esports all in one gaming hub. Our mission is to provide a fun & safe gaming environment to players around the world with an opportunity to interact with our esports players and staff in ways never done before. Our #MPNGG initiative focuses on breaking down invisible barriers between casual and professional players by allowing players of all-skill types to interact and learn about lifestyles, desires, and interests. We aim to bring this incredibly unique experience all under one home.

Today MPN continues to be a trend-setter in the gaming industry. We are a complete hub for gamers to join and interact with like-minded players around the globe. We encourage everyone to consider joining us and being a part of our future history together. What we are building here is something unique.