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Nocturnal Assassins

Nocturnal Assassins

Nocturnal Assassins: Noun. Pronounced [ the-clan-you-want-to-join ]. Family of casual gamers looking to have a good time. Typically found dropping dubs in Fortnite and MW3. Join us on Discord. Come on, you know you want to.


Membership is a role given to those who have displayed loyalty and effort towards Nocturnal Assassins. Clan involvement is vital to Nocturnal Assassins growth and expansion. To put it bluntly – we require Nocturnal Assassins Members to make this their gaming home and utilize our Discord voice and text channels. Engaging with new and existing players, attending events, and being proactive to promote Nocturnal Assassins is critical to pushing this home forward.


  • An active discord server with the ability to join various voice channels to chat socially while gaming or to join a game focused channel without the noise distractions (And by noise, we mean the SoundBoards)
  • Clan Emotes for Members
  • Social marketing and outreach to obtain new members
  • Social networking and member engagement opportunities with events such as “Tactical Tuesdays” or “MW3 Customs Thursdays”
  • The opportunity to play newly developed games/servers and join us as we begin our journey through the Esports gaming world through our partnership with JungleCraftGames as their premier collaboration partner. JCG is a dynamic game development company founded with the mission to reinvigorate the gaming industry by delivering fun, exciting, and heartfelt games.
  • Exclusivity: Nocturnal Assassins values loyalty and commitment. We do not allow Nocturnal Assassins Non-Members to be part of competing in official clan events with us. You are either one of us, or you are not.


  • Age Requirement 18+ (Adults Only)
  • Must Add Our Clan Tag on Discord and all Gaming Platforms

To become a member of Nocturnal Assassins, join our Discord server and rock our clan tag. 

Be sure to also take some time to introduce yourself or go ahead and dive into one of our voice channels and start gaming. Being Nocturnal, we are mostly on in the evening but you will see a few members join throughout the day.

We look forward to gaming with you!