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We Chosen Few

We Chosen Few

Are you looking for a mature, active & friendly community to enjoy the social side of D2 with?

Players of all kinds.
Our clan thrives on diversity and includes players ranging from the casual to hardcore, from PVE end-gamers to PVP sweat-lords and from Loremasters to New-lighters.

Community is key.
Our community is big enough that the Discord remains active even through content droughts. Yet small enough that you’ll actually get to know the members who play/chat together from day-to-day.

Applications are open.
Our only pre-requisite is that you join our Discord (link below) and be sure to change your Server Name to match your in-game name (Bungie ID) – so that we know who it is we’re talking to!

TL;DR – What can you expect from joining WCF?

  • Join over 80+ Guardians and experience all that D2 has to offer as a fireteam.

  • Experience regular raids and enjoy end-game activities alongside our team of veteran Sherpas.

  • Discuss the game, the lore, the meta and more in our active Discord.

  • Use our LFG for group activities such as Nightfalls, Campaign, Dungeons, Trials and Gambit.

  • Claim Clan engrams each week as we hit max Clan Level (6) every season.

The Final Shape awaits us Guardian, do not face it alone.

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/QnfSdcS7rB