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Knights Of Severance

Knights Of Severance

Knights Of Severance (OCE/NA/EU) https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Clan/Profile/5116530
Are you a parent that needs a group who understands you need to get it done? are you a learner who wants to do endgame content but doesn’t know how? are you experienced and want to knock out raids in quick succession? then look no further, KoS is recruiting now!
we offer a friendly community of people who love this game and want to play regularly, we have dedicated sherpas who are willing and patient to teach everything from Raids, Dungeons, Build-crafting and all other endgame content! we have a smaller group of PVP players who just love the cock and ball of D2 PVP.
we would love to have you join our growing community in KoS! https://discord.gg/pyatEZ9b